Christie CDXL-23SUP Lamp
Estimated average expected life: 1,100 hrs (Champion PLUS warranty)
Maximum lumen output: 15,000 lumens (CP2215)
Projector air extraction requirement: 450 CFM
Rated input power: 2300W
Rated current: 91A
Rated voltage: ~25V
High-performance Christie® Xenolite® lamps are the best option for illuminating your Christie digital cinema projector and are designed to deliver mission-critical reliability
More stable brightness and reliability
- More reliable ignition when used in older projectors
- New performance with the same 99.999% in-theater uptime reliability
More usable hours per dollar
- Longer life when used in older projectors
- Longer warranties mean you can safely use the lamp longer under warranty
- Fewer lamp replacements means lower cost of operation
- Fewer lamp replacements means less maintenance
More lumens per dollar
- Less brightness drop-off means more available brightness
- Less brightness drop-off means less power required
- Less power required means lower energy costs and lower cost of operation
Due to constant research, specifications and features are subject to change without notice.